There is perhaps, no portion of the temperate zone showing a more desirable climate than that which we have in the State of Missouri, or one wherein the demands of an advanced and progressive civilization are so well met. While all portions of the State have their separate or local advantages, we are inclined to think that in such comparison Daviess County and central north Missouri hold their full share.
Daviess County, Missouri History and Genealogy
Benton Township Resources
- Benton Township
- Firsts of Benton Township
- Township Law and Officials
- Boundary Extended
- Benton Township Biographies
- Benton Township Now and when Settled
- A Sad Death
- Mexican War
- Gold Fever
- Death of Lockwood
- Taxable Wealth
- Railroad Fever
- Pattonsburg/Elm Creek Incorporation
- Petition Signers
- Pattonsburg Churches and School
- Pattonsburg Societies and Lodges
- Pattonsburg Business Directory
- Crystal Springs
Colfax Township Resources
- Colfax Township Biographies
- Colfax Town Settlement
- Colfax Township Early History
- The First Churches of Colfax
- Colfax Township Officers
- Colfax Township Industries
- History of Crofton
- History of Winston
- Winston Incorporation
- 1881 Winston Business Directory
- Churches of Winston, Missouri
- Societies of Winston
- History of Publishing in Winston
Gallatin City
- Gallatin City Churches
- Hernden Cemetery
- Library Association
- Lodges and Organizations
- Postmasters of Gallatin City
- Gallatin City Biographies
Grand River Township Resources
- Grand River Township
- Grand River Township History
- Grand River First Settlers
- Firsts of Grand River Township
- Grand River Township Biographies
- Grand River Officials
- Other Portions of the Township
- Grand River Township Churches
Stories of Grand River Township
- A Chapter Of Accidents
- The Demon, Drink
- A Snake Story
- The Grasshoppers
- Adam-On-Di-Amon
- Town of Jameson
- Jameson Town Officials
- Jameson Business Directory
- Incorporation of Jameson
- Signers of Petition
- Business, Population and Census of Jameson
Harrison Township Resources
- Biographies of Harrison Township
- Officials of Early Harrison
- Harrison Township Churches and Schools
- Early History of Harrison Township
Jackson Township Resources
- Jackson Township
- Firsts of Jackson Township
- Jackson Township Towns
- Jackson Township Officers
- Jackson Township Biographies
- Jackson Township History
- Boundary
- Jackson Township Churches
- Population and Wealth
- Schools
Jamesport Township Resources
- Jamesport Township
- Old Settlers
- First of Jamesport
- Progress and Population
- Jamesport Township Biographies
- Jamesport City Biographies
- City of Jamesport
- Jamesport Incorporation
- Jamesport Affairs
- Jamesport 1877-1880
- Jamesport, Fourth Class City
- Jamesport Business Directory
- Jamesport Churches
- Jamesport Lodges and Organizations
Jefferson Township Resources
- Jefferson Township
- Jefferson Township Pioneers
- Incidents in the History of Jefferson Township
- Churches of Jefferson Township
- Early Jefferson Township Officers
- Biographies of Jefferson Township
Liberty Township Resources
- Liberty Township
- Firsts of Liberty Township
- Liberty Township Biographies
- Liberty Township History
- Municipal Affairs and Officials
- Churches of Liberty Township
Lincoln Township Resources
- Lincoln Township
- Firsts of Lincoln Township
- Bancroft
- Lincoln Official Record
- Lincoln Township Biographies
- First Settlement of Lincoln Township
- Lincoln Township Churches
- Lincoln Township Schools
Marion Township Resources
- Marion Township
- Marion Township History
- Firsts of Marion Township
- Marion Township Biographies
- Marion Township Organization
- Civil Bend
- Marion Township Churches
Monroe Township Resources
- Monroe Township Biographies
- Early Settlers of Monroe Township
- Early History of Monroe Township
- Monroe Township Officers
Salem Township Resources
- Salem Township
- History of Salem Township
- Salem Township Organization
- Salem Township Churches and Organizations
- Biographies of Salem Township
Sheridan Township Resources
- Sheridan Township
- Pioneers of Sheridan Township
- Firsts of Sheridan Township
- Sheridan Township Officers
- Sheridan Township Biographies
- Sheridan Township History
- Churches of Sheridan Township
- Organizations of Sheridan Township
- Sheridan Township Stories
Washington Township Resources
Winston Missouri Incorporation
A communication was received from Winston by the writer in answer to information asked for, stating that the town of Winston was incorporated in 1875, with a board of trustees composed of the following gentlemen: D. M. Clagett, Joseph Swike, T. J. Jefferies, Henry Koons, and A.J. Kemberling. As the…
Washington Township, Daviess County, Missouri
Washington township is in the north range and the second from the eastern line of the county. It is six miles square, the size of a congressional township. The general nature of the country is high and rolling, the bottom lands on the Big Muddy and Hickory creeks being of…
Washington Missouri Officers
The township, as before stated, was not organized until 1870, and with the exception of justices of the peace and constable, there is no record prior to the year 1872 of township officers. That year the spring election resulted in the choice of the following officers: 1872-N. E. Reed, supervisor;…
Town of Jameson Missouri
In June, 1871, the St. Louis, Chillicothe & Omaha Railroad had been completed as far as where the present town of Jameson is situated. A surveying party from Chillicothe surveyed the town and completed the work on Saturday, June 12, 1871. It is situated on a beautiful eminence, with a…
Jameson Town Officials and 1881 Business Directory
Town Officials Officials for 1878 George P. Allen, chairman; A. O. Siple, clerk; William Gillespie, Joseph Long and Henry C. Dusky, trustees; J. F. Hamaker, treasurer; William M. Briggs, attorney; H. B. Hubbard, marshal. Officials for 1879 George P. Allen, chairman; D. C. Threlkeld, clerk; J. H. Stucker, J. D….
Towns of Jackson Missouri
Jackson township can boast of two villages, not of very great proportions but like all rising towns they believe immensely in their future. They are both on the line of the St. Louis & Omaha Railroad, some five miles apart and of course a great convenience to the farmers and…
Jameson Missouri Township Law and Officials
There had been several changes in the township law, made by the legislature, and for a while they came so often that it was hard to keep track of the procession. The first list of township officers of record, was the election of July 2, 1872, when the following township…
Societies of Winston Missouri
This order has a fine lodge numbering fifty-one members, and is known as Winston Lodge No. 371. It was organized in the spring of 1877 with twelve charter members, as follows: F. B. H. Brown, William Leeper, Henry Koons, John Kalbfleisch, John T. Shaw, Joseph Swike, M. J. Benson, George…
Stories of Grand River Missouri
A Chapter Of Accidents One of the saddest cases that happened in this township was the suicide of Mrs. Price, wife of Cyrus Price. She had been complaining for some days and had a deep feeling of despondency, but none thought of such a thing as the violent taking of…
Sheridan Missouri History
Sheridan is bounded on the north by Liberty, and on the east by Monroe township. On the south it joins the Caldwell county line, and on the west Colfax township. In area of territory it is a congressional township, and is designated as township fifty-eight north, of range twenty-eight west….
Sheridan Missouri Officers
The local municipal affairs of the township since its organization have been economically managed. There has been no charge. of peculation, and, so far as the township affairs are concerned, may be safely said to have been carried on prudently and successfully. The election for township officers in 1873 resulted…
Sheridan Missouri Stories
A Sad Accident The neighborhood near New Garden schoolhouse was considerably excited over the finding of the body of Jacob J. Spohn, an old man nearly sixty years of age. He was found drowned in Marrowbone Creek, on Tuesday, June 14, 1870. He had attended to his duties in the…
Sheridan Township, Daviess County, Missouri
Sheridan township was first organized in 1869, and its territory was taken from the townships of Gallatin and Jefferson. It is a good township of land, though on some of the uplands the soil is light. On Marrowbone Creek, of which there are two branches on the eastern edge of…
Sheridan Township, Daviess County, Missouri Biographies
The following contains brief biographies of men from Sheridan Township, Missouri. You can search the entire listing using the search at the bottom of the page. Bacon, Irwin Bristow, Miles Caster, John J. Coulson, David H. Creason, Andrew J. Donaldson, Enoch S. M. Elgin, William Givens, Isaac Grantham, Robert H….
Salem Missouri Churches and Organizations
Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church This church was organized in the year 1857. The names of the organizing members cannot now be obtained, but the number was thirteen. The church building, a frame, was built in the year 1868, at a cost of $1,000. It has never been formally dedicated. Some…
My grandmother lived in Daviess county as a young child. I have a picture I’m trying to identify. The pick is of a teacher and students in front of a brick building and the caption says Shady Brook School, Jan 1917. Can you tell me if this school was located in Daviess County? I’d be happy to send you a copy of the pic, but I see no where I can upload with the email.
Thank you.