Postmasters of Gallatin City, Missouri

The first postoffice in Daviess county was at Millport, and it was established in the fall of 1835. Previous to that time, Richmond, Ray county, was the principal postoffice for this section of the country. When Millport was losing ground by the location of the county seat at Gallatin, the postoffice was brought to the new town, and G. W. Worthington was post-master, and he probably also officiated at Millport, and as he was one of the first, if not the first, to put up a cabin at the new county seat, he brought the postoffice with him. This was in the early spring of 1837. Mr. Worthington’s successor was Merriwether T. Green, one of the pioneer county judges, who took the office in 1843.

Adam Clendenen, county treasurer for nearly twenty years, was the next postmaster, assuming the duties of the office in 1846. He was followed, in 1853, by Robert Owings, and the latter was succeeded in 1857, by Baalis Davis, who held the office until the summer of 1861, when John Ballinger was appointed by President Lincoln. Mr. Ballinger resigned in 1863, joining the army, but who had charge is not mentioned. In December, 1864, James T. Taylor received his appointment, and continued until 1866, when D. Harfield Davis succeeded him. Mr. Davis resigned in March, 1869, and the same month C. C. Gillilan was appointed in his place. There being some opposition to the latter gentleman because he kept a drug store, he only held the office about two years and a half, and in October, 1871, William R. Lee succeeded him. This latter gentleman, was a bright young man, but labored under the mistake that all the money that came into the postoffice belonged to him, and used it accordingly. This proved to be contrary to the law and rules governing the postoffice department, and Mr. Lee was requested to resign. He did so, and also moved West to grow up with the country. He is at present a respected citizen of Kansas. John Ballinger was placed in charge in April, 1873, and held the office over eight years, being succeeded in August, 1881, by J. T. Day, appointed by President Garfield, and is now in the discharge of his duties. Thus is given the list as it runs from the time Gallatin was first named, an infant town of a few straggling houses, to a pretty and growing city, bust-ling with life and activity and with a future assured, if energy and enterprise is ever at the helm.

For reference, the postmasters are given below in their regular order, with the year of their appointment:

  • G. W. Worthington 1837
  • James T. Taylor 1864
  • M. T. Green 1843
  • D. Harfield Davis 1866
  • Adam Clendenen 1846
  • C. C. Gillilan 1869
  • Robert Owings 1853
  • William R. Lee 1871
  • Baalis Davis 1857
  • John Ballinger 1873
  • John Ballinger 1861
  • Jehiel T. Day 1881

First Daily Mails

The first daily mails received at Gallatin commenced April 1, 1870, and run from Hamilton, Caldwell county, to Gallatin.

The first daily mail on the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway, commenced on the trains leaving Chicago and Kansas City, on February 1st, 1873, and the first mail arrived at Gallatin, over that line, at 8 o’clock that night.

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