Biography of Rial Creason – Ray County

Rial Creason was born on March 3, 1835, in Ray County, Missouri, to William and Mary Creason. His family, originally from Kentucky and Tennessee, settled in Missouri early on, living in a block house for protection against Native Americans. On August 31, 1854, Rial married Mary D. Hall, born March 29, 1839, in Ray County. They had thirteen children, nine of whom survived into adulthood. Rial served seven years as justice of the peace, owned 600 acres of prime land, and was active in local organizations such as Albany Grange No. 520 and Ada Lodge No. 444.

Rial Creason was born in Ray County, Missouri, on the 3d day of March 1835. His parents were William and Mary Creason. His father was a native of Kentucky, and his mother of the state of Tennessee. The family emigrated to this county at an early day, and were compelled, by fear of Indians, to live in a block house on first coming. Our subject was married on the 31st day of August 1854, to Miss Mary D. Hall, by Reverend T. N. O’Brien, of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Creason was born in Ray County, March 29, 1839. Her parents were T. and Zilpha Hall, natives of North Carolina, who came to this county about the year 1833. Mr. and Mrs. Creason became the parents of thirteen children, all but four of whom are now living: Martha E., born February 28, 1857; Cyrus W., born May 15, 1858; Thomas W., born February 3, 1863; Sarah F., born January 3, 1865; Meda, born February 10, 1866; Wiley B., born September 15, 1869; Robert E., born June 11, 1871; Daisy, born June 15, 1875; Lena, born December 27, 1877; Emma, born April 3, 1860, and died in the fall of 1862; Susie, born April 5, 1865, and died in 1866; Furney, born in 1867, and died in 1868; Rosa, born May 16, 1872, and died in October, 1874. Mr. Creason has served seven years as justice of the peace and is at present occupying that office. He owns about six hundred acres of Ray County’s best bottom land and is a successful and prosperous farmer and a good citizen. He is treasurer of Albany Grange, No. 520, P. of H., and a leading member of Ada Lodge, No. 444, A. F. & A. M., at Albany.


Missouri Historical Company, History of Ray County, Mo., St. Louis, Mo. : Missouri Historical Co., 1881.

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