Missouri Maps and Land Records

Missouri Land Records

DNR Land Records, Public Land Records

BLM, GLO Records We provide live access to Federal land conveyance records for the Public Land States. We also provide image access to more than two million Federal land title records for Eastern Public Land States, issued between 1820 and 1908. Images of Serial patents (land titles issued between 1908 and the mid-1960’s) are currently being added to this web site. Due to organization of documents in the GLO collection, this site does not currently contain every Federal title record issued for the Public Land States.

The Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands  -Research related to the Southern States, mid 1800s

A Location Guide to the General Land Office (GLO) Survey Plats 
A list of organizations that own GLO plats (originals or copies.

Missouri Maps

Missouri Counties Map – Present

Geographic Names Information System

Animated Migration Map showing settlement of the US

Boundaries of the US and Several States

County Search – Enter the city and find which county they are in.

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