Missouri Census Records – 1880



2 thoughts on “Missouri Census Records – 1880”

  1. Looking for grandmother Mary Olive Pugh (Peugh) born 11/13/1880 in Jamesport, Mo. to William and Mary (Adkins) or Adtkins. Searching for brothers and sisters.

  2. My name is Joyce
    I am trying to find where my Grandmother was born. Her name was Nellie Mae Powell.
    Everyone has told me she was born in Seneca, Mo, Newton County I am not finding that. How far back to the birth records for Newton County go back to?
    Nellie Mae Powell born February 21, 1887 in Seneca, MO
    Parents were William H Powell and Emma Trueblood
    Nellie lived in KS Pittsburg, Crawford County, KS
    She died July 17, 1976 In Pittsburg She married Harry Hale on December 16, 1903 in Girard, Crawford County, KS


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