Churches of Jackson Township

New Design Church

This church was organized August 17, 1857, with thirteen original members, as follows: Nathaniel Huston, Nancy Minnick, Mary J. Minnick, Elizabeth A. Minnick, Fidelia Offield, Elizabeth Hicks, Margaret Welborn, Mary Brown, Mary Minniek, Rachel Huston, Elizabeth Raider, John Raider and Anna Raider. They built their church in March, 1870, at a cost of $700. It is a neat frame structure, plainly furnished.

The ministers who have officiated since its organization are as follows, in the order named : Rev. S. Robert Speer, John W. French, D. Walker, J. W. French, A. F. Cooper, W. D. Doods, Robert Speer, J. W. French, E. S. Ragan,, W. N. Nickell, J. W. French, E. S. Ragan, J. W. French, and the present incumbent, E. S. Ragan. It is in a flourishing condition with a membership of sixty-seven. This was the first organized church in the township, and is situated one-half mile north of Lock Springs.

Presbyterian Church

This church was organized in 1860 and those connecting themselves with the church at the time were Isaac Minces, John Brooks, John Minces, James Brooks and others. They commenced, in 1861, the erection of a neat frame church edifice, which, when completed, cost them the sum of eight hundred dollars. The pastors of the church have served in the order named: Revs. John French, John Cooper, Albert Regan, James Regan, Revs. Thorpe and Nichols. The present membership numbers eighty, and they have in connection with the church a well attended Sunday-school of about fifty dollars. This school is under the superintendency of Isaac Minces, and church and school are in a prosperous condition.

Christian Church

It was not till 1863 that there proved enough members of this church to warrant them in forming a church organization. At that time a few earnest workers united together and succeeded in establishing the first Christian Church in the township. The names of these pioneers in God’s holy work could not be found, but memory gives the names of G. L. Ballinger, William Eads, and Hiram Poe. The following year, 1864, a successful effort was made to erect a place of worship, which cost $1,000. The building is frame, plainly and substantially finished and furnished. It was dedicated in 1864, when completed, by the Rev. Mr. Jordan, and his successor in the pastorate was the Rev. Mr. Hetriek, and at the present time, Rev. Benjamin Matchett, Jr. The church has steadily progressed since its inception and at this time has a membership of 130.

Methodist Denomination

A church was organized in 1865 and its original members were J. P. Drummond and wife, John and James Brown, and others whose names were not given. It has continued in a flourishing condition, and now has about 225 members. It has a substantial place of worship, and is in number the largest religious organization in the township. The future is one of promise, with every evidence of increasing growth and usefulness.

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