Jamesport Missouri Churches

Cumberland Presbyterian Church

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized September 2, 1871,. in the old Methodist Church, called “Ketron Chapel,” situated on section. twenty-five. This church is now used as a barn and a new Methodist church was erected on section thirty-one. Those conducting the services in the organization of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, were the Rev. William. M. Houstin and the Rev. William S. Davis. The original members were Robert B. Foster, George A. Poage, John Lockridge, William H. McClung, Simeon Hamlin; James Waugh, Jane Foster, Elizabeth Hamlin, B. M. Caraway, Ella R. Hill, Harriet Mickel, Nettie Miller, Virginia W. Hill,. Susan F. Callison, Sallie E. Miller, Mary B. Foster, Harry McCastney, Margaret Hamlin, Virginia Hamlin, Hannah A. Buzzard and Mary C. Waugh.

At present the congregation have no church edifice of their own, but are holding services at the Bethel Presbyterian Church just over in Grand River township, in the southeast corner of that township. The church is in a flourishing condition and has a present membership of fifty-two. Its present pastor is the Rev. J. H. Tharp, of Gallatin.

Pleasant Grove Methodist Episcopal Church

The Pleasant Grove Church was organized on the 2d day of February, 1876, by John Perry, presiding elder of the Jamesport Circuit. The original members were W. F. Burr, Rebecca Burr, Newton Maxwell, E. S. Maxwell, Mary Robinson, James Maxwell, Harriet Roberts, Caroline Lockridge, Elizabeth Maxwell, Margaret Maxwell, Anna Maxwell, D. W. Maxwell, W. W. Province, Mary Province, William W. Drake, Isaac Barnum, Charles McLaughlin, William F. Robinson, Samuel Hayes, Cadora A. Hayes, Sarah G. Maxwell, Francis McLaughlin, Sarah E. Robinson, Emma Maxwell, David Standiff, Sarah W. Hays, Linnetta Marshall, Thomas G. Marshall, John W. Killen, Virginia B. Witt, Elizabeth Merritt, Rebecca A. Hart, Isaac N. Lowery, Elizabeth Lowery and Lewis G. Roberts.

The names of the pastors who have officiated in that position are Rev. John W. Perry, in 1876; Rev. S. S. Harden, in 1877-78, and the Rev. D. H. Root, in 18’79, 1880 and 1881, present pastor. The present membership of the church is twenty.

Other Churches

The Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in 1839, and its members built a church in Jamesport in the year 1871. The building was frame, costing $1,000. It was dedicated by Rev. Oscar Deshles. Membership, twenty-five.

Methodist Episcopal Church South was built in the year 1879 at a cost of $1,500. The church is a frame building and was dedicated by the Rev. E. R. Hendricks. Its present membership is twenty-six.

The Old School Presbyterian Church was built in 1873 at a cost of $900. It is situated northwest of Jamesport four miles, and was dedicated by Rev. Robert Speers. Membership, in town, six.

The Baptist Church organization has about twenty members and hold their meetings in the M. E. Church. They have raised the money and will build a church the coming spring, and sooner if the weather permits.

The first church in the township was Ketron Chappel, built in 1859, at a cost of $750. It was located two miles west of Jamesport, and its denomination was Methodist Episcopal. It was occupied for several years, and is now used as a barn.

The Christian Church has a membership of twenty and holds services in the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

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