Societies of Winston Missouri

This order has a fine lodge numbering fifty-one members, and is known as Winston Lodge No. 371. It was organized in the spring of 1877 with twelve charter members, as follows: F. B. H. Brown, William Leeper, Henry Koons, John Kalbfleisch, John T. Shaw, Joseph Swike, M. J. Benson, George W. Zentz, James T. Matchett, B. M. Bickel, W. P. Castor, and William S. Mallory. The charter is dated March 5, 1877. The names of the first officers of Winston Odd Fellows Lodge, are F. B. H. Brown, N. G.; Joseph Swike, V. G.; John T. Shaw, Sec’y; M. J. Benson, Treas. They have a hall of their own, in size 22×40 and neatly furnished. The society is a model one and a credit to the town. Their finances are in a good condition and the lodge is flourishing. Present officers are William S. Mallory, N. G.; David Crall, V. G.; F. B. H. Brown, Sec’y; M. J. Benson, Per. Sec’y; and John Kalbfleisch, Treas.

A. F. & A. M.

This society is a large and flourishing one, and was for some time located at Victoria, from which place it was removed to Winston in 1879. At present the lodge holds its meetings in the J. M. Handy brick building, but they are at this time building a fine lodge room or hall which will be completed in a few months. The present membership is sixty and its future is as promising as its members could wish for.

Good Templars

This is another flourishing order with an organization of fifty members, who hold weekly meetings. They have no hall of their own and their meetings are held at the Methodist Church.

Knights Of Honor

A society which is yet young in years, but with a promise of a bright future and an increased membership. It now numbers twenty-five and holds regular meetings at the Odd Fellows Hall.

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