Harrison Missouri Churches and Schools

Lick Fork Baptist Church

The Lick Fork Baptist Church was organized July 18, 1869, with nine members, their names being: David Giltner, James Harlow, Wilson Paff, E. Jackson, Mary T. Morrow, Tabitha Cox, Mary A. Foley, Mary Paff and Huldah J. Harlot. The church has been an exceedingly flourishing one, and soon gained in membership and influence. Its good work is amply evidenced in the present prosperous condition. A church was built in 1871, at a cost of $1,500, and completed in time for occupancy in December of the same year.

Elder G. A. Crouch, an earnest worker in the cause of true Christianity, became its pastor in 1870, and continued in charge until 1876. He was succeeded by Elder G. Phister from 1876 to 1878, he being followed by Elder J. Harmon, who continued until January, 1881. Elder G. A. Crouch was again called in January last, and is the present incumbent. The church clerk is F. Arbenz, and the number of its membership at this time is one hundred and five. The church has every promise of a long and useful career.


The present number of schools in Harrison township is four and they are all well attended. It is probable that the first school-house was built in this section by Isaac Groves. The school-houses are all frame buildings and are-provided with all the necessary furniture, as well as articles needed for educational purposes.

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