Jameson Town Officials and 1881 Business Directory

Town Officials

Officials for 1878 George P. Allen, chairman; A. O. Siple, clerk; William Gillespie, Joseph Long and Henry C. Dusky, trustees; J. F. Hamaker, treasurer; William M. Briggs, attorney; H. B. Hubbard, marshal.

Officials for 1879 George P. Allen, chairman; D. C. Threlkeld, clerk; J. H. Stucker, J. D. Feurt and J. H. Albros, trustees; J. W. Long, treasurer and collector; T. A. Gaines, attorney; J. H. Miller, marshal.

Officials for 1880 Joseph D. Feurt, chairman; David C. Threlkeld, clerk; J. H. Stucker, Thomas Ingraham and Henry C. Dusky, trustees; C. C. Curvin, treasurer; Thomas A. Gaines, attorney; E. M. Breeden, marshal.

Officials for 1881 E. Hubbard, chairman; R. G. Yates, clerk; J. H. Stucker, H. C. Yeater and H. C. Dusky, trustees; C. Pipkin, treasurer and collector; T. A. Gaines, attorney; Henry Briggs, marshal.

List Of Business Houses

J. F. Hamaker, J. H. Stucker, general merchandise
A. Ingraham, grocery
A. O. Siple, hardware
H. C. Yeater, R. C. Yates, druggists
Miss D. E. Kelso, Mrs. S. Huntington, milliners
J. B. Irvine & Son, furniture
A. O. Siple, harness and blacksmith
W. T. Stovall, grain and produce
Dusky & Watson, carriage manufacturers
William Cavalt, liquor dealer
E. Hubbard, I. Chenoweth, hotels
E. Sink, W. R. Butler, J. A. Leach, livery
W. M. Cavalt, cooper-shop
S. T. Howell, C. Pipkin, R. H. Robertson, and J. M. Raley, physicians
Thomas A. Gaines, attorney
School, Mr. Walker, principal; Miss Lucy Cole, assistant
B. F. Royston, flouring-mill; one lumber yard

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