Grand River Township Officers

The following names were reported as the first officers of Grand River; viz., Nelson Nichols, assessor; James Pritchard, collector; H. F. Wynn, clerk; B. G. Kimball, supervisor; T. F. Rogers and John A. Dunn, justices of the peace.

1872. B. G. Kimball, supervisor; Henry F. Wynn, clerk; Nelson Nichols assessor; James Feurt, collector; Erasmus Breeden, constable; Alexander Scott and T. F. Rogers, justices of the peace.

1873. B. G. Kimball, supervisor; David Threlkeld, clerk; James Pritchard, collector; C. A. Cravens, assessor; Alexander Scott and John Dunn, justices; George Hopkins, constable.

1874. B. G. Kimball, trustee; C. A. Cravens, assessor; D. C. Threlkeld, collector; J. H. Sutton, clerk.

1875. S. T. Howell, trustee; H. F. Wynn, clerk; Joseph Wolfebarger, assessor; D. C. Threlkeld, collector; John H. Miller, constable; John A. Dunn and Alexander Scott, justices of the peace.

1876. B. G. Kimball, trustee; William Allen, clerk; H. F. Wynn, assessor; D. C. Threlkeld, collector; John H. Miller, constable; John A. Dunn and Alexander Scott, justices.

1877. Same as 1876, except justices. They were T. F. Rogers and Robert Wilson.

1881. John A. Dunn, trustee; William H. Gaines, clerk and assessor; W. W. Cravens, collector and constable; R. H. Roberts and F. P. Rogers, justices of the peace.

The present out-look for Grand River township is one of prosperity. The farmers are mostly out of debt and are working close up to the cash principle in buying and selling. This alone would insure success to the people of this rich and flourishing township and it is evident that they have. laid out their course and will persevere unto the end.

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