Monroe Missouri Officers

The first board of trustees was composed of the following named persons: William G. Steward, E. W. Payne, and John G. Wilson. McClain Wilson was the first clerk; and John G. Wilson, the first assessor. The first meeting of the board was held at the house of McClain Wilson. In 1872 there was organized the “Hesperian Literary Society.”

There are several industries within the township such as blacksmith shops, wag on-repair shops, saw-mills, and the township is well represented by preachers, doctors, carpenters, etc.

The first list of officers elected under the township law for 1872, being the first year of the supervisors for the county, instead of county judges, were as follows: John A. Tuggle, supervisor; McClain Wilson, clerk; J. G. Wilson, assessor; J. W. Wood, collector; David Giltner, constable; E. W: Payne and W. G. Stewart, justices of the peace.

In 1873 John A. Tuggle was reelected supervisor, and A. H. Blakely and Henry W. Payne were chosen justices of the peace.

1874-Thomas Henry, trustee; McClain Wilson, clerk; E. M. Foley, Jr., assessor; John P. Smith, collector; J. G. Wilson and William G. Stewart, justices.

1875-P. H. Downing, Sr., trustee; McClain Wilson, clerk; E. M. Foley, Sr., collector; E. M. Foley, Jr., assessor; J. G. Wilson, and William G. Stewart, justices; C. Milstead, constable.

1876-P. H. Downing; Sr., trustee; E. M. Foley, Sr., collector; McClain Wilson, clerk; David Giltner, assessor. Judge Tuggle carried the township for county judge.

In the election of 1877, William G. Stewart and John G. Wilson were elected justices of the peace; and James T. Green, constable. Trustee, collector and clerk were the same as in 1876. The law was changed and remained until 1880, when the present law took effect, and the first election under it was held April 5, 1881, and resulted in the election of the following gentlemen: P. H. Downing, Sr., trustee; John W. Wood, clerk and assessor; James T. Green, constable and collector; E. S. Langford and John G. Wilson, justices.

This closes the record of Monroe township; there is good land, abundance of water, timber, building stone, etc; there is everything, including cheap lands, to make it a desirable place for settlement, and the immigrant will find no better opportunity.

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