Adam-On-Di-Amon, Grand River Township, Daviess County, Missouri

This historic place, now nearly obliterated by time, was situated about two miles south of Jameson upon a pleasant eminence bordering upon a rocky bluff with a surrounding of beautiful scenery and overlooking the turbid waters of Grand River. It was on this spot that the Mormon prophet, Smith, claimed that our forefather, Adam, was buried. The land was purchased from a man by the name of Arrington, and other lands from Roland, Coots, and others, and it was here that the Saints flocked as their promised Zion. There on this site they commenced to build a town, and they called it Adam-on-di-Amon. Among other things put up here was a large and strong log house, called the “Lord’s store-house.” Their creed being that all things belonged to the Saints of the Lord, and that they were the Saints, they soon had this building well stocked with stolen goods. Upon the northeast corner of the old town plat was at that time a well defined grave, which is even now visible, which was pointed out as Adam’s burial place. This town site, now a farm, belongs to Maj. W. D. McDonald, but up to this time the major has not exhibited any pride because the is the sole possessor of “Father Adam’s” grave.

The town grew rapidly. The Mormons flocked from all quarters, even “Far West,” was paling before the grave of Adam, and it soon became known to the Mormons that their prophet, Joseph Smith, had had another revelation, and the Lord had told him that upon that summit of rising ground and in the shadow of Adam’s resting place, should a magnificent temple of the Lord be reared. This revelation was sent to the faithful wherever they could be found, and soon it became known that “Adam-on-di-Amon” was chosen of the Lord. The plans of the great temple were drawn, and the stealing became immense, for much was needed to carry out this magnificent scheme. But it was not built. The Saints and the Gentiles agreed very harmoniously to differ, and differ they did most seriously, and as the Lord is always supposed to be on the side of the strongest battalion, there is to record the utter route of the Mormons, driven bodily from the land of their adoption, and the grave of Adam fell into the Gentile hands. The temple was not built, but a change of mind caused them to locate it at Nauvoo, Illinois, instead of “‘Di-Amon,” as it was called, for short, in Missouri. Grand River township, however, yet have the supposed grave and is content to let her temple that was to be, and its builders locate in some more-to-them-favored clime. It is a beautiful location, and it is not to be wondered at that the Mormons hated to leave the spot. Had it not been for their fanatical leaders and a few unprincipled wretches, it is not hard to believe that “Di-Amon” today would have been a large city’ But Saints and Gentiles could not live in peace, and as one had. to go, the weaker was driven to the wall, and though this place has become historic, there are few pilgrims who visit Adam’s grave on the banks of the swift-flowing Grand River. The citizens of the township, however, have not mourned the loss of their temple.

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