Incorporation of Jameson Missouri

Jameson increased so rapidly that in the summer of 1876 a grange of the Patrons of Husbandry was organized and W. D. McDonald was elected master, and N. H. Swisher, secretary.

Jameson had now grown to be considerable of a town. From the – date of its birth, June 12, 1871, it had grown in population, in wealth and in importance. As a station on the St. Louis & Omaha line, it had shown it self to be one of the best paying offices on this line of road, exceeding in its shipping business many stations of larger growth. Wool buyers, grain dealers and cattle brokers, made, during the season of traffic, head-quarters at Jameson. The result of all this tended to increase the importance of the place. In the summer of 1876 the citizens concluded to have an incorporated town, and after a few meetings a petition was circulated for signatures for the purpose-of presenting the same to the County Court for the incorporation of the town of Jameson. The signatures were secured and on October 12th, 1876, the petition was presented to the court, which placed the following order upon record:

“Now at this day comes Thomas A. Gaines and thirty-four other citizens and taxpayers of the town of Jameson, Daviess county, Missouri, and present their petition praying for the incorporation of the town of Jameson, which petition is in words and figures as follows; viz., We, the undersigned residents and taxpayers of the town of Jameson, in Daviess county, Missouri, would respectfully petition your honorable body to incorporate the town of Jameson under the provisions of the statute in such cases made and provided. That the metes and bounds of- the town of Jameson are as follows: The town of Jameson, Missouri, is situated and bounded as follows: commencing 262 feet south of the north boundary of section nineteen, township sixty, range twenty-seven, and 1,666 feet east of the west boundary of said section, the said point being 262 feet south of the northeast corner of the west half of the northwest quarter of said section number nineteen; thence north along the line between the east and west half of the southwest quarter of section eighteen, township sixty, range twenty-seven, 2,072 feet to the north’ line of block twenty-nine; thence west to the line between the east and west half of the southeast quarter of section thirteen, township sixty, range twenty-eight; thence south along said line to a point 225 feet south of the southwest corner of the east half of the southeast quarter of said section thirteen; thence in a southeasterly direction 1,293 feet to a point on the range line between ranges twenty-seven and twenty-eight, 290 feet south of the southeast corner of section thirteen aforesaid; thence south to a point 262 feet south of the northwest corner of section nineteen aforesaid; thence east 1,666 feet to the place of beginning. [1]Signatours

“Which petition is received and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that two-thirds of the taxable inhabitants of said town of Jameson have signed said petition and that the prayer of said petitioners is reasonable”: It is therefore ordered by the court that said town of Jameson be and is hereby declared incorporated under the name and style of the town of Jameson, and the metes and bounds of said town of Jameson be and they are hereby fixed as set forth in the above petition and all the territory within the above described bounds be and is hereby declared to be, and belong to said town, and the inhabitants of said town of Jameson are hereby invested with all the rights and privileges guaranteed to such towns incorporated under chapter forty-one of the general statutes of the State of Missouri, and it is further ordered by the court that A. O. Siple, W. T. Stovall, J. M. Raley, A. Ingraham and S. F. Howell, of said town of Jameson be and they are hereby appointed the board of trustees in and for said town, to hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified.”

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