Churches of Washington Township

Pilot Grove Church

This church was organized on the fourth Lord’s Day of February, 1856, and was named The Pilot Grove Church of Christ. At its organization the Rev. Martin Scott became pastor. The names of the original members are, A. J. Vinson, John McCoy, elders; John A. Brown, James Scott, Jesse McCoy, W. S. Brown, S. H. Hammond, deacons; Levi Cline, F. H. Troxel, James A. Garton, D. N. Terry, William Adams, and L G. Scott. The church was built in 1861, and is a plain, neat structure, with a substantial finish, and cost when completed $1,000. The church was dedicated by the Rev. Martin Scott, the minister in charge, December 6, 1861, a very large gathering being present. There have been but two ministers attached to the church, the Rev. Martin Scott, above mentioned, and Rev. Jasper H. Coffey. The present elder and clerk is Frederick S. Troxel.

The first elders, before the dedication of the new church, were John A. Brown, W. S. Brown and James Scott. The church is in a flourishing state and has at this time a membership of 174. The church is now called the Pilot Grove Christian Church and is so known. It is situated in the center of a fine farming country and in one of the most thickly settled parts of the township. Its location is in the southwest corner of the west half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-six.

Union Grove Church

The organization of this church took place in the month of June, 1866, but the first pastor, Rev. Jonathan Smith, who settled in the township in November, 1840, had held service for years in the neighborhood. Those who joined the church and effected its organization were Jonathan Smith and wife, John E. Smith, Mildred Smith, Isaac Smith, Juda Poe, B. F. Poe, James C. Poe, Abraham Poe, Eliza A. Poe, Henry M. Powell and wife, and Thonas Elmore.

A new church edifice was erected in the summer of 1868, a large frame building substantially built, comfortably furnished and arranged. It stands today as a monument of honest work on the part of the builders. It cost $1,000, and was dedicated the same year, 1868, by Elder Jonathan Smith, and a proud day it was for him to at last secure to the service of the Lord a house of worship. He was assisted in the dedication ceremony by Elder Hardin. The names of the pastors who have had the charge given them are the Rev. Jonathan Smith and Rev. James C. Poe. The church at this time has sixty-four members.

Hickory Creek Church

This congregation organized themselves in the fall of 1869. and concluded at once to build a church to worship in. As they belonged to different denominations, a stock company was formed, who raised the means to build the church. It was at once commenced and finished the same fall at a cost of $1,700. It was decided, as it had been erected by money raised through a general subscription that it should be under the control of a board of trustees elected by the stockholders. This was done, and Gabriel Feurt, J. C. Glaze and William Grant were elected as members of the first board and the trustees received their trust from the hands of the building committee, Messrs. B. G. Kimball, J. C. Glaze and Gabriel Feurt. The church has never been especially dedicated. The ministers in charge are, for the Baptists, Rev. J. L. Netherton, and for the Cumberland Presbyterian, Rev. J. H. Thorp. The Baptists at this time have a membership of 126. The church building is still the property of the stockholders, and controlled by trustees, of their selection. The church is located on the west half of the northwest quarter of section thirty in the southwest part of the township. The congregations which hold services at this church seem to prosper, for they are growing in numbers, strength and unity.

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