Gallatin Library Association

This association was first organized in 1875 and incorporated under the laws of the State. Its object and aims were social culture, and the raising of means for the purchase of standard works for the purpose of establishing a circulating library.

The meetings of the association were held semi-monthly, and for nearly three years were kept up in the spirit in which the association was inaugurated, and many interesting entertainments were given. In the meantime a library of several hundred volumes had been collected. In the fall of 1876, or rather on Monday night, December 4th, the Library Association met at the court-house, Dr. Dockery presiding, and quite a number of ladies being present. The meeting was for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, and these are given here as probably being the last elected officers of the old, or original association: Dr. A. M. Dockery, president; Dr. J. W. Burton, vice-president;. J. T. Day, treasurer; Homer Osborn, secretary; John P. Smith, corresponding secretary; James M. Murrell, marshal. Miss Mattie Vance, Miss Maggie Brown, S. M. Young and Thomas Cooper were appointed to furnish literary entertainment for the next evening. Several committees were appointed, among which was an important one, whose duty it was to raise money with which to increase the number of books in the library, and report at next meeting.

The association became disorganized the next winter, and the publications belonging to it became scattered and have never been recovered.

New Organization

A new organization was effected in 1878, a few persons getting together and arranging by subscription for a few of the leading publications, and exchanging the same with each other. This arrangement was kept up for a year, when it was found better to organize a society regularly, with such rules and regulations as would best conserve the purpose in which they were engaged. Among its rules was one levying an annual tax upon its members, to provide means for securing such publications as the society might desire to order, and for the binding of old publications owned by the society.

The list of publications secured by the society the present year are: Frank Leslie’s Weekly, The Eclectic Magazine, The Century, Blackwood’s, The Scientific American, Popular Science Monthly, The Sunday Magazine, Harper’s Weekly, Harper’s Monthly, Harper’s Young People, The Phrenological Journal, and other leading publications.

The secretary has charge of the publications, and the members only are allowed the use of them, and for a limited time. At the end of the year they are all bound and preserved for the use of the members.

The present society is in a flourishing condition and gradually growing. Its rules can be changed or amended, by the proposed amendment being presented in writing, and is laid over until the next meeting for action, and on presentation a. majority of votes decides.

The officers of the association consist of a president, a vice-president and a secretary, and the latter also acts as librarian. They are elected annually and serve until their successors are chosen.

The officers for the present year are: President, William M. Bostaph; vice-president, Dr. J. T. Allen; and secretary, John B. Williams.

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