Lodges and Organizations of Gallatin City, Missouri

I. O. O. F. Gallatin Lodge No. 167

This lodge was instituted by R. A. Debolt, D. D. G. M. and the date of dispensation was April 10, 1867. It received its charter May 22, 1867.

The charter members were Pines R. Dunn, John T. Taylor, W. H. Folrasbee, R. L. Dodge and S. A. Black. In effecting the organization the following officers were chosen; to-wit, W. H. Fohnsbee, N. G.; S. A. Black, V. G.; Pines R. Dunn, R. secretary; R. L. Dodge, P. secretary; and J. T. Taylor, treasurer.

The lodge became financially embarrassed by the hard times of 1873, immediately following the building of the hall, but has recovered from its depression and become established upon a firm footing, and is again in a prosperous condition The hall was built in 1872, of brick, at a cost of $ ,000. The present membership numbers eighty.

The present officers are, S. L. Henkle, N. G.; C. A. Nixon, V. G.; W. T. Cunningham, R. secretary; S. T. Brosins, P. secretary; Frank E. Clingan, treasurer; and member of the Grand Lodge, Adam Ballinger, D. G. M.

Banner Encampment No. 90

This encampment was instituted by D. A. Sheperd, Grand Patriarch. Its dispensation, June 22, 1881. The charter members were William Johnson, L. L. Surface, M. A. Hall, William Richards, W. L. Brosins, S. J. McDonald, John Cooper, J. J. McCoy and A. O. Siple. The first officers chosen: W. Johnson, C. P.; M. A. Hall, H. P.; W. L. Brosins, S. W.; L. L. Surface, .J. W.; S. J. McDonald, scribe; and William Richards, treasurer. The lodge numbers at this time twenty-eight members and the present officers are W. L. Brosins, C. P.; George T. Crozier, H. P.; W. T. Cunningham, S. W.; Frank E. Clingan, J. W.; W. T. Cooper, scribe; and Wood H. Hamilton, treasurer.

A. F. And A. M. Gallatin Lodge No. 106

This lodge was instituted by A. M. Dockey, D. D. G. M., and the date of dispensation was December 23, A. L. 5878, A. D. 1878. The date of the charter is October 16, A. L. 5879, A. D. 1879. The names of the first officers are as follows; to-wit, A. F. McFarland, W. M.; George Tuggle, S. W.; Eli Dennis, J. W.; L. P. DeHart, treasurer; H. E. Orcutt, secretary; John .J. Enyart, S. D.; D. E. Boggs, J. D.; J. A. Wickham, S. S.; J. M. Phillips, .J. S.; Kehler Wirtz, chaplain; and C. G. Higgins, tyler.

The present officers of the lodge are William E. Black, W. M.; J. A. Wickham, S. W.; William L. Brosins, J. W.; Eli Dennis, treasurer; A. F. McFarland, secretary; George Tuggle, S. D.; H. N. Kivitt, J. D.; Kehler Wirtz, chaplain; and F. Moreno, Tyler.

The present membership numbers forty-three. A. M. Dockery, who instituted the above lodge, is at present, 1881, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri.

Gallatin Royal Arch Chapter No. 11

This Royal Arch Chapter was instituted by Thomas B. Howe, Past High Priest, and the date of dispensation was August 2, 1866. The date of the charter was October, 10, 1867. The charter members were Nelson M. Smith, James L. Davis, Robert L. Dodge, Robert W. Grove, J. L. Powell, William; M. Givens, E. M. Mann, J. S. Nelson, R. H. Grantham, Nathan Shriver, W. C. Gillihan and J. H. McGee.

The following were the first elected officers in this chapter: Nelson M. Smith, high priest; J. L. Davis, king; R. L. Dodge, scribe; J. H. McGee, captain of host; R. W. Grove, principal sojourner; J. L. Powel, royal arch captain; William M. Givens, G. M. 3d veil; E. M. Mann, G. M. 2d veil; J. S. Nelson, G. M. 1st veil; Robert H. Grantham, treasurer; Nathan Shriver, secretary; and W. C. Gillihan, guard.

The chapter owns the hall, furniture and other articles to the value of $2,000, and are not only out of debt, but have money in the treasury. The-hall was erected in 1870, is of brick, and cost 1,500. Alexander M. Dockery is an officer of the Grand Chapter, being Grand King.

The following are the present officers of the chapter: Eli Dennis, high priest; George W. Henderson, king; W. L. Brosins, scribe; C. A. Shaw, captain of host; Joseph A. Wickham, principal sojourner; William E. Black,. royal arch captain; E. M. Mann, G. M. 3d veil; A. F. McFarland, G. M. 2d veil; W. M. Givens, G. M. 1st veil; William H. Hamilton, guard; J. H. Townsend, treasurer; and Milt. Ewing, secretary.

Order Of The Eastern Star-Corinthian Chapter No. 112

This chapter was instituted by A. F. McFarland, D. D. G. W. P. The date of the chapter is October 7, 1875. Its first elected officers were Susan. Black, W. 147.; W. IT. Ladd, A. M.; Nellie Dunn, C.; Francis McFarland, treasurer; Joseph A. Wickham, secretary; Dr. A. F. McFarland, W. P.; William E. Black, warder; and L. N. Roney, sentinel.

Knights Of Honor-Gallatin Lodge

The Gallatin Lodge of the Knights of Honor was organized July 19, 1880, at. Odd Fellows’ Hall, by W. A. Halstead, State Deputy. There were seventeen charter members to start with. The lodge meetings were set for the first and third Tuesday evenings of each month. It started well, and its future is one of promise. Its first officers installed were as follows: J. T. Allen, dictator; D. J. Davis, vice-dictator; Louis P. DeHart, reporter;. Stephen Pirkey, L. R.; S. P. Cox, treasurer; William D. Edwards, guide; G. A. Crouch, chaplain; John Tannehill, P. D.; John W. Woodruff, guardian; William M. Flint, Thomas J. Brown and W. M. Irwin, trustees.

Knights Of Tabor

This is a highly flourishing order of colored men throughout the United States, and is rapidly increasing in membership and influence. A grand council is held annually for the transaction of the business of the order, the election of grand officers, etc. The head of the order is known as “The National Grand Temple of the U. S.,” and the total membership of the entire order is 10,868.

The order of the Knights of Tabor, of Gallatin, was organized September 11, 1875, and their charter bears the date of September the 28th. The name of the order here is Sumner Temple No. 25, of the Knights of Tabor, and was organized, as above stated, by W. B. Beach, D. G. M., of Chillicothe The regular meetings are held on Tuesday night of each week, at Hamilton’s Hall. On organization, the following were chosen the first officers of the order; viz., Samuel Brosins, chief mentor; Andrew Taylor, chief scribe; Joshua Madison, chief treasurer; Scipio Dandridge, chief orator; Lee Clevenger, chief drill-master; Alexander Walker, chief standard-bearer; George Sailer, chief guard; and George McGaw, chief sentinel.

The names of the members were Jefferson Holloway, Simpson Miller, George Sailer, Joshua Madison, Samuel Brosins, George Roland, Andrew Taylor, George McGaw, Samuel Roland, James Bishop, Grant Jennings, Green Enyart, Alexander Walker, Lee Clevenger, Scipio Dandridge.

The order is in a flourishing condition, and has grown until it is one of the largest and most influential in the State. W. H. Wallace, C. M., of Sumner Temple, holds the honorable office of C. G. D. M. in the National Grand Temple of the United States, and is a prominent member of that body.

The present officers of the Temple are W. H. Wallace, C. M.; George McGaw, V. M.; Henry Brooks, C. S.; Andrew Taylor, A. C. S.; Alexander Walker, C. T.; Scipio Dandridge, C. O.; Jefferson Holloway, C. D. M.; C. Cushenberry, C. S. B.; Samuel Roland, C. G.; Grant Jennings, C. G.; John Andrews, C. G.; Scott Roland, C. O. S. The present membership is sixteen.

There is connected with this order, one for women, called “The Daughters of the Tabernacle.”

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