J. Swike, dry goods, groceries, etc.
Watson & Homer, dry goods, groceries, etc.
F. B. H. Brown, drugs and medicines
J. T. Shaw, drugs and medicines
S. Clark & Co., hardware
P. A. Haney, hardware
William Shepherd, groceries
C. B. Munson, grocery and restaurant
Wade & Bellinger, grocery and restaurant
J. M. Handy, grain and lumber dealer
Swike, Koons & Cole, grain dealers
Cave & Fales, livery stable
Frank Calhoun, livery stable
Robert J. Whitchurch, blacksmith
N. Whetstone, blacksmith
Robert Munson, wagon-maker
Mrs. Susan Brinegar, millinery
P. H. McAthe, artist
F. C. Eastman, D. M. Clagett and H. E. Brook, physicians
Chapman & Snyder, and E. A. Huson, attorneys
Winston Hotel, William F. Reynolds, proprietor
The present town board of Winston is composed of the following named gentlemen: David Gingery, R. J. Whitchurch, A. J. Kemberling, J. M. Handy. R. C. Groves was also elected but removed, and his place is vacant on the board.
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