Sheridan Township Churches and Organizations

Christian Church

The Prairie Ridge Christian Church was organized in the year 1867, by the Rev. W. H. Williams, of Gallatin, with ten members, their names being, Samuel Kindig and wife, Amos Faw and wife, Sarah Johnston, Leah Grove, Mrs. Clive Cole and Mrs. Olive Myers. The organization continued to grow in membership from year to year, and in 1878 they put up a church on section six in the northwestern corner of the township township, and it is the first and only church building in the township. Quite a number of its members live in Colfax and Liberty townships. It is a frame building of good size, plainly finished and furnished, and cost $1,000. It is entirely out of debt, in a flourishing condition, and is surrounded by a beautiful country. The church was dedicated in 1879 by the Rev. Alexander Newby and his sermon was delivered to one of the largest congregations which ever assembled in the neighborhood. The pastors have been: Rev. Alexander Newby, Rev. Benjamin Matchett, Jr., Rev. J. D. Jordan and Rev. John Pudner. At the present time it has one hundred and sixty members, most of whom are earnest workers in the church. Since the dedication of the church in 1879 a Sunday-school has been formed and has been eminently successful. With but few exceptions, and that has been on account of bad weather, the Sunday-school has been regularly kept up the past two years, and has an average attendance of some forty scholars. Superintendent Simon Grove has given earnest attention to the good work. The present officers of the church are Benjamin Matchett, Jr., and Simon Grove, elders; Samuel Kindig, Josephus Pastor and J B. Johnston, deacons.

Mount Nebo Baptist Church

The members of this church, as early as 1858, organized, the Rev. B. F. Kenney and the Rev. Mr. Black assisting in the work. It was in July of that year. The first members of Mount Nebo Baptist Church, of Sheridan township, were: John Barnes and wife, Philip Place and wife, Lewis Mullins and wife, Daniel Leobo and wife, Nancy Payne and Henry H. Payne, ten members in all. The first minister was the Rev. R. C. Hill. The church has now a membership of sixty-five and there is reason to believe that ere long they will erect for themselves a neat and pleasant place of worship. Services are now held in a school-house.

Church of the United Brethren

The Church of the United Brethren was organized in 1872, by the Rev. A. D. Thomas and ten members. Mr. Thomas was the first pastor, and was succeeded by the Revs. T. B. France, John B. Daviess, R. Zumbro, J. H. Brundige, O. S. Murray, J. Berryman and John White, in the order named. The church has continued to grow and now has thirty members.

They have no church property and service is held in a school-house in the district.

Methodist service was held in the township as early as 1856 by the Rev. Griffin, now stationed at Pattonsburg. The reverend gentleman had charge of what was called the Albany Circuit, and Sheridan, Liberty, Marion and Jefferson townships were a part of his circuit.


Good Templars

The Silver Fount Lodge No. 229, I. 0. G. T., was organized February 10, 1871. It was in successful operation for many years, holding its weekly meetings at the Hopkins school-house. The following officers are given, who were elected for the year commencing May 1, 1875, and ending May 1, 1876. The officers were installed by B. B. Worden, lodge deputy, and are as follows: H. P. Burnham, W. C. T.; Miss Lauretta Surface, W. V. T.; W. P. Griffin, W. S.; T. W. Hopkins, W. F. S.; H. Kindig, W. M.; L. Reed, W. C.; D. Burnham, W. T.; Miss Laura Surface, I. G.; A. B. Hopkins, W. 0. G.; Miss M. Wolfinbarger, W. A. S.; Miss L. Grove, W. R. S.; Miss Lottie Hopkins, W. L. S.; Miss J. Surface, W. D. M.

In February, 1877, the above lodge, on Saturday, February 10th, celebrated its sixth anniversary by a pleasant reunion and an elegant supper. The affair passed off most pleasantly.

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