Sheridan Missouri History

Sheridan is bounded on the north by Liberty, and on the east by Monroe township. On the south it joins the Caldwell county line, and on the west Colfax township. In area of territory it is a congressional township, and is designated as township fifty-eight north, of range twenty-eight west. It has twenty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven and eighty-one one-hundredths acres of land, nearly one half of which is timber, and the remainder prairie. Sheridan township in the last ten years has advanced but a trifle in population, in fact losing, when the natural increase is considered.

The population in 1870 was 923, and only 967 in 1880, a gain of forty-four in ten years. This will hardly do to brag on. The trouble with both Sheridan and Monroe townships, is that there are too many non-resident land-holders, and this, in fact, affects the whole county, more or less. There has been but one valuation by townships since the organization, and that was in 1877, when the assessment of real estate was given at $144,282, and the personal property at $54,410, making a total valuation of $198,692.

With the natural increase of land tinder cultivation and of stock, by the present settlers, there has been nothing to give much greater valuation to the township since that year, and at this time can be safely estimated at $250,000. It is a well watered township for stock purposes, and there are some very fine springs. Marrowbone Creek and Dog Creek are the principal streams, the latter a branch of Honey Creek, as is also the former, and the branches of these creeks spread pretty well over the township. Certainly the opportunities for profitable investment in the lands and productive soil of Sheridan township are numerous enough and its citizens should wake up to the spirit of an immigration movement.

The north and west portions of the township are the most thickly settled parts, and there some of the finest and best improved farms in the county can be found. This township has no villages within its borders. The principal places of trade being Hamilton and Kidder on the southern border of the township, and Gallatin, the county seat.

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