Winston Missouri Incorporation

A communication was received from Winston by the writer in answer to information asked for, stating that the town of Winston was incorporated in 1875, with a board of trustees composed of the following gentlemen: D. M. Clagett, Joseph Swike, T. J. Jefferies, Henry Koons, and A.J. Kemberling. As the year and some of the names differ from the act of incorporation, the above has been given. The following is of record and seems to have been after the regular act of incorporation, and is dated on August 21, 1877.

“Now at this day comes A. J. Kemberling et al, and present their petition, praying the court to incorporate the town of Winston. The court, after examining the same, find the metes and bounds of said town are not given in said petition, therefore the prayer of said petitioners is hereby rejected.”

On November 23d, 1876, the following act of incorporation of the town of Winston was passed by the County Court of Daviess county, and as the act repeats a petition of a number of prominent citizens the names of whom are here given. The act of incorporation is as follows:—

” Now at this day comes T. J. Jefferies and twenty-four other citizens of the town of Winston, Daviess county, Missouri, and present a petition praying for the incorporation of the town of Winston, which petition is in words and figures as follows; viz.,

” To the Honorable County Court of Daviess County, Missouri:

“The undersigned, two-thirds of the taxable inhabitants of Winston, respectfully ask your honorable body to constitute said town a body politic and corporate by the name and style of the inhabitants of the town of Winston; under the provisions of article I, of chapter 134, of Wagner’s Missouri Statutes; with a police for the local government thereof, and for the preservation and regulation of the commons appertaining thereto and with all the rights, powers and privileges created by said chapter 134 of Wagner’s Missouri Statutes, and the court to establish the following metes and bounds for the corporate limits of said town; to-wit, commencing at the-southeast corner of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section three, township fifty-nine, range twenty-nine, and running north to the-northeast corner of the northwest quarter of section three; thence west to-the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section three; thence south to the southwest corner to the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section three; thence east to the place of beginning; and the petitioners further recommend that Jonas Potts, Joseph Swike, F. B. H. Brown, R. T. West and Dudley M. Clagett, be appointed a board of trustees for said town.

” [Signed:]

T. J. Jefferies. Arch. Hays.
Joseph Swike. F. B. H. Brown.
William Luser. Keller Rogers.
Bladen Ashby. W. M. Shepherd.
B. A. Warring. M. Barndy.
J. N. Hollis. Samuel Stecker.
Frederick Croft. Jonas Potts.
Joseph W. Kinney. E. H. Higgins.
A. J. Kemberling. W. W. Snyder.
R. T. West. D. M. Clagett.
John F. Taylor. J. R. Potts.
W. Zentz. R. M. Higgins.
S. B. Evans.

” Which petition is received and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that two-thirds of the taxable inhabitants of said town of Winston have signed said petitition and that the prayer of said petitioners is reasonable; it is therefore ordered by the court that said town of Winston be and is hereby declared incorporated, under the name and style of Winston, and the metes and bounds of said town of Winston be and they are hereby fixed, as set forth in the above petition; and all the territory within the above described bounds be, and is hereby declared to be, and belong to said town, and the inhabitants of said town of Winston are hereby invested with all the rights and privileges guaranteed to such towns incorporated .under chapter forty-one of the general statutes of the State of Missouri;. and it is further ordered by the court that Jonas Potts, Joseph Swike, F. B. H. Brown, R. T. West and Dudley M. Clagett; of said town of Winston be and they are hereby appointed the board of trustees, in and for said town, to hold their offices until their successors are elected and qualified.”

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