History of Winston, Daviess County, Missouri

The town of Winston, the metropolis of Colfax township, and destined to become one of the largest, if not the most populous town in the county, excepting only the county seat, is beautifully located upon a commanding eminence, a view from which is by far the finest in Daviess county. It has a greater extent of rich farming country tributary to it than any town in the county, not even excepting Gallatin, and if a public spirit of enterprise is exhibited will soon rival in population and wealth the seat of justice of Daviess. It has every element of prosperity surrounding it, and if the citizens will encourage immigrants to take possession of the waste lands of Sheridan, Colfax and Jefferson townships her future is assured, as her magnificent situation is beautiful, and soil rich and productive that lies tributary.

Defect In Title

It was found upon a closer examination of titles to the lands the town was-situated on, that some defect or irregularity of title existed and this unfortunately checked the growth of the town. It took time, and the law’s delay which is proverbial, gave several years to the prospect of making a corpse of the new town, before the missing link in the chain of title could be found.. It was at last accomplished, but the time lost could not be recovered, and although not beginning to feel the tide of prosperity, yet the loss of those years was a serious blow to her progress. As it is past let it only be-remembered as an incident to-be regretted, while renewed effort is given to build.

Mr. Brown remained postmaster from February, 1872, until December 20, 1875, when he was succeeded by Joseph Swike, who still retains the office. The name of the office is Emporia.

Dr. D. M. Clagett came in 1874, and has proved himself a man of energy and one of the most important factors of the town.

The first school was taught in the summer of 1873, by Miss Dora Potts, now Mrs. W. S. Mallory. It was a subscription school and met with encouragement and success. The Winston school district was not organized until the spring of 1876, and by fall of the same year the school building was completed in time for occupancy for the winter school. The building is yet in use for school purposes, but as it is only twenty-six by thirty-six feet in size it is now too small for the demand, and a much larger and more convenient building is expected to be erected in the near future. A temple of learning that will be ornamental as well as useful and which will add much ‘to the looks and credit of the town.

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