Winston Missouri Incorporation

A communication was received from Winston by the writer in answer to information asked for, stating that the town of Winston was incorporated in 1875, with a board of trustees composed of the following gentlemen: D. M. Clagett, Joseph Swike, T. J. Jefferies, Henry Koons, and A.J. Kemberling. As the … Read more

Washington Township, Daviess County, Missouri

Washington township is in the north range and the second from the eastern line of the county. It is six miles square, the size of a congressional township. The general nature of the country is high and rolling, the bottom lands on the Big Muddy and Hickory creeks being of … Read more

Washington Missouri Officers

The township, as before stated, was not organized until 1870, and with the exception of justices of the peace and constable, there is no record prior to the year 1872 of township officers. That year the spring election resulted in the choice of the following officers: 1872-N. E. Reed, supervisor; … Read more

Town of Jameson Missouri

In June, 1871, the St. Louis, Chillicothe & Omaha Railroad had been completed as far as where the present town of Jameson is situated. A surveying party from Chillicothe surveyed the town and completed the work on Saturday, June 12, 1871. It is situated on a beautiful eminence, with a … Read more

Jameson Town Officials and 1881 Business Directory

Town Officials Officials for 1878 George P. Allen, chairman; A. O. Siple, clerk; William Gillespie, Joseph Long and Henry C. Dusky, trustees; J. F. Hamaker, treasurer; William M. Briggs, attorney; H. B. Hubbard, marshal. Officials for 1879 George P. Allen, chairman; D. C. Threlkeld, clerk; J. H. Stucker, J. D. … Read more

Towns of Jackson Missouri

Jackson township can boast of two villages, not of very great proportions but like all rising towns they believe immensely in their future. They are both on the line of the St. Louis & Omaha Railroad, some five miles apart and of course a great convenience to the farmers and … Read more

Jameson Missouri Township Law and Officials

There had been several changes in the township law, made by the legislature, and for a while they came so often that it was hard to keep track of the procession. The first list of township officers of record, was the election of July 2, 1872, when the following township … Read more

Societies of Winston Missouri

This order has a fine lodge numbering fifty-one members, and is known as Winston Lodge No. 371. It was organized in the spring of 1877 with twelve charter members, as follows: F. B. H. Brown, William Leeper, Henry Koons, John Kalbfleisch, John T. Shaw, Joseph Swike, M. J. Benson, George … Read more

Stories of Grand River Missouri

A Chapter Of Accidents One of the saddest cases that happened in this township was the suicide of Mrs. Price, wife of Cyrus Price. She had been complaining for some days and had a deep feeling of despondency, but none thought of such a thing as the violent taking of … Read more

Sheridan Missouri History

Sheridan is bounded on the north by Liberty, and on the east by Monroe township. On the south it joins the Caldwell county line, and on the west Colfax township. In area of territory it is a congressional township, and is designated as township fifty-eight north, of range twenty-eight west. … Read more