Jamesport Missouri Officials 1872-1881

The officials elect to take charge of the civil business of Grant township in 1872 were as follows: Robert C. Williams, supervisor; Isaiah Jones, clerk; Eli Kehler, assessor; W. R. P. Allen, collector; John W. Warren, constable; Frank Callison and David Rhea, justices of the peace. The first official meetings … Read more

Jamesport Township, Daviess County, Missouri, Biographies

The following contains brief biographies of men from Jamesport Township, Missouri. You can search the entire listing using the search at the bottom of the page. Benjamine, Thomas J. Brown, A. T. Bunker, Horatio Buzzard, A. L. Buzzard, Samuel W. Callison, Franklin Callison, William G. Chenoweth, Joseph S. Clark, John … Read more

Jamesport Missouri Fair and Cornet Band

Jamesport Cornet Band Music is God’s melody, and he who is gifted with a melodious voice, or has a talent that can draw sweet strains of harmony from instruments of music has, indeed, a glorious gift, and it is impossible for a people to be all bad that are capable … Read more

Jamesport Missouri Churches

Cumberland Presbyterian Church The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was organized September 2, 1871,. in the old Methodist Church, called “Ketron Chapel,” situated on section. twenty-five. This church is now used as a barn and a new Methodist church was erected on section thirty-one. Those conducting the services in the organization of … Read more

Jamesport Missouri 1877-1880

It was this year, 1877, and on the eventful 8th day of March, that the great organ of civilization known as the press located one of its family at Jamesport, and the same was issued that day. As a local organ the Gazette was a success. Under the talented editorship … Read more

Early Jamesport Missouri Affairs

The first meeting of the board of trustees of which a record is found occurred on the 24th of April, 1873, and at this meeting the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year: P. H. Lilly, chairman; C. E. Orcutt, clerk and collector; C. M. Hutchison, assessor; William Wineland, … Read more

History of Jamesport, Daviess County, Missouri

Jamesport is the metropolis of Jamesport township and was originally located on section twenty-seven of township sixty, range twenty-six, but owing to there being much land in that vicinity and a disposition on the part of the enterprising inhabitants to spread themselves, a portion of the town can be found … Read more

Jamesport Missouri, City of Fourth Class

On the twenty-fourth day of December, 1880, the board of trustees drew up and passed an ordinance to submit to the legal voters of the town of Jamesport a proposition as to whether the citizens of said town should elect to become a city of the fourth class. The citizens … Read more

Jackson Township, Daviess County, Missouri

When Daviess county took upon itself the robes of official life, and secured a local habitation and a name among. her sister counties of the State, Jackson township was not given a name, but all this territory lying east and northeast of Grand River was known as Grand River township. … Read more

Jackson Missouri History

Jackson township is the second in size in the county, covering nearly a congressional township and a-half, and containing 31,174.14 acres of excellent land. The crystal waters of Clear Creek traverses. its eastern border; Lake Creek in the southeast; Hurricane and Brushy Creeks, through the center of the township, gives … Read more