Jamesport Missouri Fair and Cornet Band

Jamesport Cornet Band

Music is God’s melody, and he who is gifted with a melodious voice, or has a talent that can draw sweet strains of harmony from instruments of music has, indeed, a glorious gift, and it is impossible for a people to be all bad that are capable of appreciating this gift divine, or freely support those who are gifted or inspired by nature, with the genius of true melody.

It was the love of music that brought the Jamesport cornet band into existence, and it is at this time one of the best in this part of the State. It was organized in 1876, and the following names comprise its members: A. P. Shour, leader; L. Ranley, P. H. Lilly, V. Drannenberg, S. Cropper, James Wymose, J. W. Clark, F. M. Phipps, and A. C. McCord. The band is one of the institutions of Jamesport with a reputation to be proud of.

Jamesport Fair

Agricultural and horticultural societies have become numerous in the State of Missouri, and there is nothing in the history of the State that has done more to advance her progress than these exhibitions of the intelligence, enterprise, or progressive spirit of the agricultural population. The success of these institutions is due alone to the education and social qualities of the masses, and history furnishes no successful farming community that does not have the spirit of competition buoyant from the friendly strife of carrying off the blue ribbon at the fair. This spirit of emulation is wide-spread throughout the State, and it is this that gives the high position which Missouri holds as one of the most successful and progressive agricultural States in the Union. It is these associations which bring prominently before the people of this country and of Europe the advancements made in developing the rich resources of our fertile fields. That competition is the life of business, is true, and competition at agricultural fairs sharpens the intellectual faculties of our husbandmen, gives life to the inventive genius of our artisans and mechanics, and encourages those who have chosen to work in the labyrinthine depths of the still scarcely-known fields of science and of art.

Agricultural societies should, then, be nourished with care, for their success is alone due to the intelligence, enterprise and social qualities of the people. Without this they will not flourish. Strong and vigorous competition, with tenacity of purpose insure success, and the honest pride of our people in these tests of skill, is worthy of all praise. Not only is the skill of the hands of man brought to high perfection, but the intuition of the women of the land, their handicraft in that department of labor in. which they stand preeminent, is quickened by these social agents of American progress, and these notable attributes, the grace, culture and modest bearing of the glorious womanhood of our country, stands forth in all their native force and beauty.

Agricultural Society

The need of an agricultural society had been long felt by many progressive farmers and stock-raisers in the county and this need at last took shape in the inauguration, by a few public spirited citizens of Jamesport township, of the organization and securing of a charter under the law for the ” Grand River Agricultural and Mechanical Association of Jamesport.”

Before the charter was secured it was decided to hold a fair in the fall of 1879 and arrangements were accordingly made. The fair was held in September of that year and was pronounced a complete success. The gentlemen of the association met for organization, and the following were chosen as the first officers:

W. D. McDonald, president
John Ronan, vice-president

Harrison County

M. D. L. Toncray, vice-president
Grundy county; John Kessler, vice-president
Livingston county; Capt. Taylor, vice-president

Daviess County

W. G. Callison, corresponding secretary
A. P. Shour, recording secretary
James Callison, treasurer.

The board of directors was composed of the following gentlemen, all of Daviess county:

Milton Barnett
A. C. McCord
Robert Gay
A. L. Buzzard
Solomon Wiles
A. H. McClure
William Robinson

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