Colfax Missouri Town Settlement

This township was first settled by the Mormons in 1836, and Colfax was surveyed somewhat earlier than its more northern sisters, forming a part of the Caldwell survey. The real growth and prosperity of the township did not commence until after the Mormons were driven from the county, and very … Read more

Early Colfax Township Officers

The first census of Colfax township was taken by the general government in 1870—Colfax having been organized into a separate township the year before. A constable and two justices of the peace constituted the township officers until the township organization law was passed, which took effect in the spring of … Read more

Early History of Colfax Township Missouri

The first marriage took place, and they who proposed to travel together in life’s journey were Robert Castor and Sarah Jane Kier. The nuptial ceremony was performed by the Rev. James Reed, a Baptist preacher, at the residence of the bride’s father, Robert Kier, on section thirteen, October 5, 1843. … Read more

Colfax Township Industries

The first saw-mill in the township was put up by Andrew Bauchman and David Crall, on section twenty-three. The mill had a forty-eight inch circular saw and was run by eight horses and had a cutting capacity of about 2,000 feet of lumber per day. There have been three or … Read more

Civil Bend, Marion Township, Daviess County, Missouri

The principal town in this township is the village of Civil Bend, which is located on section twenty-four township sixty, range twenty-nine. It was laid off in 1868 by Gilbert Canfield, who surveyed twenty-four lots and had them platted as the town of Civil Bend. In 1880 it contained seventy-eight … Read more

Colfax Township, Daviess County, Missouri

Colfax Township lies in the form of a square and is in the southeast corner of the county. It is bounded on the north by Jefferson, and east by Sheridan township, on the south by Caldwell and DeKalb counties. It is in size a congressional township—six miles each way. It … Read more

Colfax Township, Daviess County, Missouri Biographies

The following contains brief biographies of men from Colfax, Missouri. You can search the entire listing using the search at the bottom of the page. Bickel, John Milton Brown, Frank B. H. Carter, Robert Clagett, Dudley Malcolm, M. D. Deering, Henry G. Eastman, Frederick Converse, M. D. Evans, Lewis Jefferies, … Read more

Churches of Liberty Township

Union Church This church was first organized in 1856 and is located on the east half of the northwest quarter of section seven. The church is a neat frame building put up the same year of the church organization, but not wholly finished until 1857. It was dedicated in July, … Read more

Churches of Washington Township

Pilot Grove Church This church was organized on the fourth Lord’s Day of February, 1856, and was named The Pilot Grove Church of Christ. At its organization the Rev. Martin Scott became pastor. The names of the original members are, A. J. Vinson, John McCoy, elders; John A. Brown, James … Read more

Churches of Winston, Missouri

There are two church organizations in the town of Winston; viz., the Methodist Episcopal and the Evangelical Association. The Methodist Episcopal Church This church was first organized in the year 1874 and was under the pastoral charge of the Rev. H. S. Barnes. The following year the congregation through the … Read more