Biography of Joseph W. Carmack of Morgan Township

Joseph W. Carmack, a farmer and justice of the peace in Morgan Township near Dadeville, Missouri, was born on May 26, 1838, in Overton County, Tennessee. He was the son of John and Elizabeth (Chapin) Carmack. John Carmack, of Scotch-Irish descent, moved to Dade County in 1853 and died there in 1856. Elizabeth, born in 1809, lived with Joseph at the age of seventy-nine. Joseph, a lifelong resident of the family home, had three well-cultivated farms. He served as a Union officer during the Civil War and had been justice of the peace since 1877. A respected Republican, he also handled pension claims and had a background in teaching and mercantile business.

Joseph W. Carmack, farmer and justice of the peace of Morgan Township, resides near the village of Dadeville, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Chapin) Carmack, both natives of Overton County, Tenn., born in 1807 and 1809, respectively. The father was of Scotch-Irish descent, and came to Dade County, Mo., in 1853. He was a farmer by occupation, and died in the last named county in 1856. His wife is still living, and makes her home with her son, Joseph W. Carmack. She is seventy-nine years of age, and is the mother of eight children, four now living, three sons and one daughter. Joseph W. Carmack is a single man, has always remained at the home place, and is one of the substantial citizens of the county. He was born in Overton County, Tenn., Mary 26, 1838, and was principally educated in the common schools, although he attended one term in the high schools at Springfield, Mo. In August 1877, he was elected justice of the peace of Morgan Township, and is still acting in that capacity, being an efficient and obliging officer. In connection with his office, he attends to pension claims and does a good business in that line. He has three farms, one consisting of 100 acres, all under cultivation, with good improvements in the shape of buildings, etc.; another of 118 acres, with about ninety-five under cultivation, and another farm of 200 acres, about sixty-five under cultivation. These farms are all in Morgan Township, Dade County, Mo. Mr. Carmack is a Republican in his political opinions and is a highly respected citizen. In July, 1861, he enlisted in company A, Sixth Missouri Cavalry, and served as first lieutenant in that regiment until 1864, when he was discharged; in September, 1864, he was commissioned second lieutenant in the Seventy-sixth Regiment Enrolled Missouri Militia. In March, 1865, he went in the Fourteenth Missouri Veteran Cavalry, and was first lieutenant until the close of the war. He was in the battle of Wilson’s Creek when Gen. Lyon was killed, and in the battles of Sugar Creek, Wet Glaze, Pea Ridge, Prairie Grove, and many skirmishes. He was a good soldier and a gallant officer. He is a man universally respected and esteemed by all who know him. In 1864 he was elected sheriff and collector ex-officio, but declined to serve on account of rebels being in arms in the State of Missouri, and he preferred to be a soldier in time of war. In 1866 he was commissioned first lieutenant and enrolling officer for Dade County, Mo., and enrolled and organized the militia of this county. From the close of the war to 1872 he was a teacher in the public schools of the county, since which time he has been in the mercantile business until recently.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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