Biography of Charles W. Griffith

Charles W. Griffith, born in 1837 near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, was the editor of the Greenfield Vedette. He lived in Ohio from 1842 to 1870, receiving his education at Ohio Wesleyan University. Griffith taught in Ohio public schools for seven years and served in the Union army from August 1863 to November 1866. In September 1870, he moved to Dade County, Missouri, where he lived since.

Charles W. Griffith, editor of the Greenfield Vedette, was born in 1837, near Gettysburg, Adams County, Penn. He lived in the State of Ohio from 1842 to 1870, and was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio; taught in the public schools of that State seven years; served in the Union army from August 1863, until November 1866. Came to Dade County, Mo., in September 1870, where he has ever since resided.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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