Biography of W. Taylor Brown of Green Township

W. Taylor Brown, born April 14, 1844, in Rock Castle County, Kentucky, was a respected farmer in Green Township, Nodaway County, Missouri. Son of Stephen and Barbara Brown, he moved to Illinois for three years before settling in Nodaway County in 1867. Around 1880, he purchased a farm in Monroe Township, eventually owning 160 acres there and 120 acres in Holt County. In 1875, he married Nancy Jane Kyle, daughter of James Madison and Elizabeth Kyle. They had five children: Fannie (deceased), Archie, Arthur, Floyd, and Daisy. Known for his integrity and community spirit, Brown was a model farmer and neighbor.

One of Green township’s old and highly respected farmers is W. Taylor Brown, a man worthy of the respect of his neighbors and friends, owing to his past life, which has been so carefully regulated as not to give offense to anyone, willfully. He was born in Rock Castle County, Kentucky, April 14. 1844. and is the son of Stephen and Barbara Brown. He grew to maturity in his old Kentucky home and received some schooling in the old-time schools there. Leaving his native state, he came to Illinois and lived three years, coming to Nodaway County, Missouri, in 1867. About 1880 he bought the farm where he now resides in the south side of section 14, southwest part of Monroe township. He is the owner of a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres in his home place and one hundred and twenty acres in Holt County. In 1875 he married Nancy Jane Kyle, daughter of James Madison and Elizabeth Kyle. She was born and reared in Nodaway County, Missouri.

Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Brown, namely: Fannie died when eighteen months old; those living are, Archie and Arthur, twins: the former married Florence Gallagher and lives two and one-half miles southeast of W. Taylor Brown, and he has a farm of one hundred and sixty acres; Archie and wife are the parents of two children, Ray and Roy. the latter dying when two years old. Arthur Brown married Bertha Sanders and lives two miles south of his father’s place, where he owns one hundred and sixty acres; two daughters have been born to them. Hazel and Esther Floyd Brown have remained single and lives with his father, assisting him on the home place. Daisy Brown married Fred Wyman and lives six miles west of Maryville; they have one son. Earl. A sketch of Mr. Wyman appears on another page of this work.


B. F. Bowen & Company. Past and present of Nodaway County, Missouri. Indianapolis, Indiana: B. F. Bowen & Company. 1910.

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