Biography of Thomas J. Lawrence of Cedarville

Born in Alabama in 1859, Thomas J. Lawrence was the son of Edward and Martha E. (Morrison) Lawrence. He moved to Dade County in 1882 and married Julia Ducket in 1883. A Democrat and member of the Masonic order, Lawrence served as the postmaster of Cedarville. Both Lawrence and Morrison were known for their integrity and dedication to their business, earning the trust and confidence of their community. Thomas J. Lawrence and Arthur M. Morrison were prominent merchants in Cedarville, Dade County, Missouri, dealing in general merchandise with a stock valued at $2,000.

Thomas J. Lawrence and Arthur M. Morrison, dealers in general merchandise at Cedarville, Dade County, Mo., carry a stock of goods valued at $2,000, and are the leading merchants of that village. Mr. Lawrence was born in Alabama in 1859 and is the son of Edward and Martha E. (Morrison) Lawrence. Edward Lawrence was born in Tennessee about 1818 and is of English descent. He is now residing in Fayette County, Ala., and has followed agricultural pursuits all his life. His wife was born near Savannah, Ga., and was burned to death March 14, 1878, by the explosion of a can of oil. They were the parents of six children. Thomas J. Lawrence was the eldest of this family and received his education in the public schools of Alabama. He came to Dade County, Mo., December 22, 1882, and October 7, 1883, married Miss Julia Ducket, who was born in Barton County, Mo., March 15, 1853. Mr. Lawrence is a member of the Masonic order, is a Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is postmaster of Cedarville post office. Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Morrison are pleasant, obliging gentlemen, enjoying the fullest confidence of their patrons, and are doing a good business.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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