Biography of Robert M. Crutcher of Arcola

Dr. Robert M. Crutcher, a prominent physician and surgeon in Arcola, Missouri, was born on April 7, 1848, in Middle Tennessee. He is the son of William H. and Charity (Evans) Crutcher. After graduating from the University of Nashville’s medical department in 1874, he moved to Cane Hill, Missouri, before settling in Arcola in 1879. He married Mary V. Rountree in 1874, and they had six children, five of whom survived. Dr. Crutcher is a member of the Garrett Lodge of Free Masons and the Christian Church, where he serves as an elder and Sunday school superintendent. He is a Democrat.

Robert M. Crutcher, M. D., a successful practicing physician and surgeon of Arcola, is a native of Middle Tennessee, born April 7, 1848, and is the son of William H. and Charity (Evans) Crutcher. The father was a merchant of Nashville, Tenn., for several years, was also a farmer, stock dealer and real estate agent, and is now living at Nashville. His wife was also born in Tennessee and died about 1853. She was the mother of eight children, five now living. Dr. Crutcher was the sixth of these children in order of birth and received his education in the public schools of Nashville. In 1874 he graduated in the medical department of the University of Nashville, and the same year he came to Cane Hill, Cedar County, Mo., where he began the practice of medicine. He resided there about eighteen months, when in August 1879, he moved to Arcola, and there he has since resided. He has built up a large and lucrative practice and is one of the leading practitioners of Dade County, his practice including a circuit of over twelve miles. In 1874 he married Miss Mary V. Rountree, who was born in Polk County, Mo., in 1860, and who is the daughter of Rufus M. and Lucretia Rountree, the former born in 1833, and died in July 1886, and the latter born in 1841, and yet living. They came to Missouri about 1870. To Mr. and Mrs. Crutcher were born six children, five living: Henry C., James E., one deceased, Edgar, Robert Lee and Lucian. Mr. Crutcher is a member of the Garrett Lodge of Free Masons of Arcola. He is also a member of the Christian Church, is an elder in the same, and is superintendent of the Sunday-school. Mrs. Crutcher is a member of the same church. The Doctor is a Democrat in Politics.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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