Biography of Monroe Ingraham

Monroe Ingraham, born November 16, 1825, in Chautauqua County, New York, was the proprietor of the Dadeville Roller Mill in Missouri. The eldest child of Thomas and Julia (Balis) Ingraham, Monroe moved with his family to Washtenaw County, Michigan, in 1832. He married Mary Abbott on August 7, 1850, and they relocated to Springfield, Missouri, in 1857, where Monroe established a foundry and machine shop. In 1870, the family moved to Dadeville, where Monroe operated a sawmill and later a grist mill. In 1886, he completed the first roller mill in Dade County. Monroe was a Prohibitionist and an active member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.

Monroe Ingraham, proprietor of the Dadeville Roller Mill, is a native of Chautauqua County, N. Y., born November 16, 1825, and the son of Thomas and Julia (Balis) Ingraham, both natives of Dutchess County, N. Y., the former born June 20, 1802, and the latter September 19, 1803. Thomas Ingraham was of English descent and was a farmer by occupation. He emigrated to Chautauqua County, N. Y., about 1823, and from there to Washtenaw County, Mich., in 1832, where he passed the remainder of his days, dying March 17, 1865. He was one of the pioneers of that county. The mother died at the home of her son, Monroe Ingraham, August 24, 1872, the same year she came to Missouri. They were the parents of five children, who grew to maturity, Monroe being the eldest child. He remained with his parents until twenty-fie years of age, and August 7, 1850, he married Miss Mary Abbott, who was born in the town of Bath, N. H., September 25, 1825, and who is the daughter of William and Patience (Burbank) Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott were both natives of New Hampshire, and emigrated from their native State to Michigan, in 1827. Here they both died, the mother in 1829, and the father in 1861. To Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham were born four children, all living: Carlton A., Delia B., wife of Daniel J. Blakemore; John C., and Julia Patience. Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham, after marriage, which occurred in Michigan, moved to Missouri, settling at Springfield in 1857, and there Mr. Ingraham started a foundry and machine shop and made the first casting in Southwest Missouri. He resided there until 1870, when they moved to Dadeville, Mo., and started a sawmill the same year, and in connection built a gristmill in 1872, which he operated until 1877. He then sold the sawmill, but still continued to operate the gristmill until 1886. He then completed the roller-mill, which he still owns, and which is considered the best mill in Dade County. It cost about $10,000 and was the first roller-mill in that county. It has a capacity for fifty barrels of flour per day, and Mr. Ingraham is doing a successful business. He was at first a Free-Soil man in his politics, then a Whig, and afterward a Republican, but is now a Prohibitionist. His first presidential vote was cast for Gen. Scott. He is an earnest worker for the cause of temperance, and he and wife and two children belong to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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