Biography of Hon. Edgar P. Mann of Greenfield

Hon. Edgar P. Mann, born in Warren County, Mo. in 1858, was an attorney and mayor of Greenfield, Mo. He moved to Greenfield in 1883 and partnered with Mason Talbutt a year later. Son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Moore) Mann, Edgar was the grandson of Thomas Mann, originally from North Carolina. Educated at Warrensburg State Normal, Edgar taught in Lafayette County before studying law under Hon. John S. Blackwell. Admitted to the bar in 1881, he became Greenfield’s mayor in 1888. Edgar married Mary E. Clark in 1887, with whom he had one child, Frank. Edgar was active in local politics and community organizations.

Hon. Edgar P. Mann, attorney-at-law and mayor of Greenfield, Mo., became a resident of the town in August 1883, and one year later formed a partnership with Mason Talbutt. Mr. Mann is a native of Warren County, Mo., born in 1858, and is the son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Moore) Mann, and the grandson of Thomas Mann, who was a native of North Carolina, and a farmer by occupation. He came to Lincoln County, Mo., when a young man, and there died in 1872 at the age of seventy-two years. Josiah Mann was born in Lincoln County, Mo., in 1823, and was of English descent. He was married in Warren County, Mo., and immediately afterward located there. He was a farmer by occupation and was assessor of Warren County two terms. He now resides in Lafayette County, Mo., where he has lived since 1872. His wife, Elizabeth Moore, was born in Virginia in 1831, is of Scotch-Irish descent, and is yet living. They were the parents of eight children. Hon. Edgar P. Mann was the fifth child in order of birth and was reared and grew to manhood on a farm, making his home with his parents until eighteen years of age. He received his rudimentary education in the public schools, and his collegiate education at Warrensburg State Normal. At the age of nineteen he entered the teacher’s profession, and followed this for four terms in Lafayette County, Mo. During his teaching he became a disciple of Blackstone, his preceptor being Hon. John S. Blackwell, of Lexington, Mo. December 21, 1881, he was admitted to the bar at the last mentioned place and commenced his practice there. In 1883 he came to Greenfield, Mo., and was elected mayor of that city in 1888. He is a Democrat, politically, and has been a delegate to several State conventions, all since 1884. His first presidential vote was for Hancock in 1880. June 2, 1887, Mr. Mann married Miss Mary E. Clark, who was born in Missouri, and who is the daughter of S. S. Clark. One child, Frank, has been born to this union. Mr. Mann is a member of the A. O. U. W., is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and is one of the promising young men of Southwest Missouri. Mrs. Mann is a member of the Presbyterian Church.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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