Biography of Dr. Ferdinand Fischer of Lockwood

Dr. Ferdinand Fischer, a physician and surgeon in Lockwood, Missouri, was born on January 1, 1851, in Württemberg, Germany. He was the son of Andrew and Clara (Magold) Fischer. Dr. Fischer received a high-quality education in Germany, culminating in studies at the University of Munich. In 1866, he emigrated to America, initially teaching German in Canada for five years before studying medicine in Illinois. He graduated from the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati in 1879. Dr. Fischer moved to Lockwood in 1882, where he established a successful medical practice. He married Maggie F. Bess in 1879, and they had four children. He was a Democrat and a member of the I.O.O.F. and Sons of Rebecca, while Mrs. Fischer was affiliated with the United Brethren Church.

Dr. Ferdinand Fischer, physician and surgeon, of Lockwood, was born in Würtemburg, Germany, January 1, 1851, being the son of Andrew and Clara (Magold) Fischer, who were born in the same place, where the father still lives, aged seventy-four; the mother died in 1883. They were Catholics, and he was quite a prominent citizen, having been mayor and justice of the peace. They had a family of one son and six daughters. The Doctor, the only son, received the best of educations in his native country, the last three years being spent in the university at Munich. In 1866 he came alone to America, the trip occupying fifty-eight days. After spending five years in teaching German schools in Canada, he came to Christian County, Ill., and began the study of medicine with Dr. R. W. Johnson, graduating from the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1879, after a three years’ course. He began the practice of his profession in Christian County, Ill., where he continued till 1882, when he came to Lockwood and built the first house south of the railroad, in Eldridge’s addition, and in 1888 built one of the finest offices in Southwest Missouri. He is one of the leading physicians of Dade County. In 1879 he married Maggie F., daughter of Henry and Nancy Bess, of Pennsylvania and Ohio, respectively, Mrs. Fischer having been born in Ohio; her parents still reside in Christian County, Ill. They have four children. He is a Democrat, a member of Lockwood Lodge No. 445, I. O. O. F., and Sons of Rebecca. Mrs. Fischer is a member in good standing of the United Brethren Church.


Goodspeed, History of Hickory, Polk, Cedar, Dade and Barton Counties, Missouri; Chicago, The Goodspeed publishing co., 1889.

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